April 30, 2008

Batrep Eldar vs. Space Marines: The Armies

Hey folks!
As promised we had the game last night! And we had a lot of fun!
First of all let me introduce the armies: Trotzki played his Eldar versus my Marines. We decided to play at 2000 points each and designed our armies without knowing what was to come. So here is what we came up with:

sidenote: Trotzki decided to leave the Falcon at home and played his Harlequins footslogging. My thanks to him!



Avatar of Khaine 155

Farseer (Ghost Helm, runes of warding, spirit stones, doom, fortune) 145


Harlequin Troupe 6 (Shadowseer, troupe master, veil of tears) 178

Howling Banshees 10 (Exarch, Acrobatic, War Shout) 372

Wave Serpent (spirit stones, vectored engines, star engines)


Dire Avengers 10 (Exarch, Bladestorm) 152

Guardian Defender Squad 10 (Star cannon, warlock) 130

Guardian Defender Squad 10 (Star cannon, warlock) 130

Fast Attack:

Warp Spiders 10 (Exarch, withdraw, surprise assault) 272

Heavy Support:

Dark Reapers 5 (Exarch, missile launcher, fast shot, crack shot) 227

Wraithlord 155

Support Weapon (shadow weaver 3, crew 6) 90

2006 points

Space Marines:


Master (terminator armour, thunderhammer, storm shield) 140

Epistolary Librarian (terminator armour, storm shield, fury of ancients, fear of darkness) 164


Terminator Squad 5 (2 Assault cannons, tank hunter) 255

Terminator Squad 5 (2 Assault cannons, tank hunter) 255


Tactical Squad 6 (Lascannon, plasma rifle) 115

Tactical Squad 6 (Lascannon, plasma rifle) 115

Tactical Squad 6 (Lascannon, plasma rifle) 115

Tactical Squad 6 (Lascannon, plasma rifle) 115

Fast Attack:

Assault Squad 10 (veteran sergeant, powerfist, 2 flamer) 262

Land Speeder Tornado (Assault cannon, heavy bolter) 80

Heavy Support:

Devastator Squad 9 (4 heavy bolter, tank hunter) 222

Devastator Squad 6 (2 Missile launcher, 1 heavy bolter, tank hunter) 163

Chapter Traits:

Suffer not the work of heretics

Death before dishonour

2001 points

As you can see, my Marines are painted as Black Templar but I do not play them as those. They use the Traits for the Imperial Fists.

Sidenote #2: As I was writing this and checked the pictures and remembered the game...I realised that the vicious Eldar had once again played their trickery! They infiltrated a squad of Pathfinders into the list! Without paying for them!

Ok, this can happen, Trotzki surely didn't do that on purpose! And I didn't realize it so absolutely no blaming to him!

That being said you can await the next parts of the Batrep the next days...


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